Egyptian Chinese University (ECU)

Egyptian Chinese University (ECU)

The Egyptian Chinese University is a private, productive technical university located on an area of 16 acres, and includes the Faculties of Pharmacy and Drug Technology, the College of Physiotherapy, the College of Economics and International Trade, the College of Engineering and Technology, in addition to a teaching hospital, and the study began in 2016 with the College of Engineering only The Egyptian Chinese University is a private, productive technical university located on an area of 16 acres, and includes the Faculties of Pharmacy and Drug Technology, the College of Physiotherapy, the College of Economics and International Trade, the College of Engineering and Technology, in addition to a teaching hospital, and the study began in 2016 with the College of Engineering only Egyptian Chinese University (ECU)

Egyptian Chinese University (ECU)

Beijing Jiaotong University

Beijing Jiaotong University

In 2016, a Memorandum of understanding  was signed to establish a mutual beneficial relationship on the bases of academic, scientific and technological cooperation, this allows both  universities to exchange faculty professors, researchers, students, publications, academic programs, research projects and double degree programs in the practical fields of the faculty of engineering and technology including: Construction (civil engineering and Architecture, Mechatronics, Software Engineering and Information Technology) The Egyptian Chinese University (ECU) Signed the first protocol of its kind in Africa and the Middle East with one of the top ranked universities in China; The Beijing JiaoTong University, delightfully took place on 9/5/2017.This protocol presents a very sophisticated cooperation with many benefits including a double degree programs in Software Engineering and Information Technology, exchange programs for the undergraduate and post graduate with a duration of minimum 6 months - to - two years maximum. The protocol also offers merit scholarships and summer programs, the exchange of academic content and research publications as well as staff members between both universities for the purposes of collaborative research, instructional and cultural programs, exchange of resources teaching methodologies and Special courses.

Liaoning University

Liaoning University

The Egyptian Chinese University (ECU) has been taking pleasure in the cooperation formed with Liaoning University since the starting of ECU, in 2004 and to which will extend for 20 years. This dual degree agreement in the field of International Business allows students who complete their study and pass relevant exams in Egypt, to be granted a study certificate issued by both Liaoning University and the Egyptian Chinese University stated that they have studied in accordance with Liaoning university academic standards. This cooperation also encourages programs and staff exchange

North China Electric Power University

North China Electric Power University

The Signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Egyptian Chinese University (ECU) and the North China Electric Power University that took place, in 2013, has been promoting academic research, related to “field work” and engineering applications as well as encouraging students or academic staff exchange with the aim of sharing and expanding the scientific and technical knowledge of both Universities.