Title: Member - (President of EUI)
Prof. Reem Bahgat Obtained Ph.D. (1991) in Computer Science from Imperial College London. Reem Bahgat is a Faculty Member at Cairo University since 1993. From May 2016 till August 2020, she was the Director of the Egyptian Bureau for Cultural and Educational Affairs, the Egyptian Embassy in the UK. From December 2014 till May 2016, she was Assistant to Cairo University President for Informatics and Information Technology. From January 2009 till November 2014, she was the Dean of Faculty of Computers and Information – Cairo University. Reem Bahgat was also a co-founder and Deputy Director of the Centre for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, CULTNAT (www.cultnat.org), affiliated to Bibliotheca Alexandrina and supported by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, from 2000 till 2012.
As Advisor to the Minister of Communications and Information Technology since March 2020, Reem Bahgat led the team for establishing Egypt University of Informatics (EUI) and is selected by the Board of Trustees to be the first President of EUI.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, 1991
MSc in Computer Science, Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, 1987
BSc in Computing and Statistics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University, 1985
Research Interests:
Information Retrieval and Sentiment Analysis
Multi-Agent Systems and Technologies
Parallel Logic Programming
Constraint Logic Programming
Courses Taught
Introduction to Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Concepts of Programming Languages
Journals and Magazines
Hassan, B.; AbdelRahman, S.; Bahgat, R. and Farag I., “UESTS: An Unsupervised Ensemble Semantic Textual Similarity Method”, IEEE Access (IF 4.098), Vol. 7, pp. 2169-3536, ISSN 2169-3536, June 2019.
Mahdi, M. A.; AbdelRahman, S. E. and Bahgat, R. “A High-Performing Similarity Measure for Categorical Dataset with SF-Tree Clustering Algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 9, No. 5, 2018.
Hassan, B.; AbdelRahman, S.; Bahgat, R. and Farag I., “FCICU at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Sense-Based Language-Independent Semantic Textual Similarity Approach”, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), 3-4 August 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
Elkady, M.; El-Korany, A., and Bahgat, R., “Towards a semantic-based context-as-a-service for Internet of Things”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 15, no. 8, August 2017.
Younan, M. S.; Khattab, S. and Bahgat, R., “A WoT Testbed for Research and Course Projects”, Book Chapter, Managing the Web of Things: Linking the Real World to the Web, Ed. 1, Editors B. Benatallah L. Yao M. Sheng & Y. Qin, February 2017.
Negm, E.; Abdelrahman, S. and Bahgat, R., “PREFCA: A Portal Retrieval Engine Based on Formal Concept Analysis”, Information Processing and Management: an International Journal, Vol. 53 Issue 1, January 2017.
Sayed, A. M.; AbdelRahman, S.; Bahgat, R. and Fahmy A., “Time Emotional Analysis of Arabic Tweets at Multiple Levels”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016.
Ahmed, C.; Elkorany, A. and Bahgat, R., “A Supervised Learning Approach to Link Prediction in Twitter”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer Link, 6:24, December 2016.
El-matarawy, A.; El-ramly, M. and Bahgat, R. "EGYCD Visualization for Code Clones", International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 142, No. 4, May 2016, pp. 16-19.
Younan, M. S.; Khattab, S. and Bahgat, R., “WoTSF: A Framework for Searching in the Web of Things”, 10th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS2016), ACM ICPS, Cairo-Egypt, 9-11 May 2016.
Younan, M. S.; Khattab, S. and Bahgat, R., “A historical overview for the Web of Things (WoT)”, Book Chapter, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3579.6728, April 2016.
AbdelLatif, A.; Kamel, A. and Bahgat, R., “An Implementation of a Fast Threaded Nondeterministic LL (*) Parser Generator”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 30, NO. 5, November 2015, pp. 30-37.
Younan, M. S.; Khattab, S. and Bahgat, R., “Evaluation of an Integrated Testbed Environment for the Web of Things”, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Vol. 8, No. 3&4, December 2015.
El-matarawy, A.; El-ramly, M. and Bahgat, R., “Code Clone Detection using Sequential Pattern Mining”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 127, No. 2, October 2015, pp.10-18.
AbdelLatif, A.; Kamel, A. and Bahgat, R., “TGLL: A Fast Threaded Nondeterministic LL(*) Parsing”, ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 5, No. 2, August 2015, pp. 27-39.
Hassan, B.; AbdelRahman, S. and Bahgat, R. “FCICU: The Integration between Sense-Based Kernel and Surface-Based Methods to Measure Semantic Textual Similarity”, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2015), June 4-5 2015, Denver, Colorado – USA.
Younan, M. S.; Khattab, S. and Bahgat, R. “An Integrated Testbed Environment for the Web of Things”, The Eleventh Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS 2015), May 24-29 2015, Rome-Italy, pp. 69-78.
Fathy, G. M.; Hassan, H. A.; Sheta, W. M. and Bahgat, R. “Efficient framework for mobile walkthrough application”, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ELSEVIER, Vol. 18, April 2015, pp. 40-54, doi:10.1016/j.pmcj.2014.08.008.
AbdelRahman, S; Sayed, E. and Bahgat, R. “The Integration among Disambiguation Lexical Resources for more Effective Phrase-Level Contextual Polarity Recognition”, 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 21-23 December 2014, Cairo-Egypt, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.86-91.
Ali, M.; Khattab, S. and Bahgat, R. “Improving Detection Accuracy in Group Testing-based Identification of Misbehaving Data Sources”, in Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014), 27-29 August 2014, Barcelona – Spain, IEEE Computer Society CPS, pp.167-174.
Abdelbary, H. A.; Elkorany, A. M. and Bahgat, R., “Utilizing Deep Learning for Content-Based Community Detection”, Proceedings of the Science and Information Conference 2014, August 27-29 2014, London-UK, pp.777-784. IEEE Conference Publications, DOI:1109/SAI.2014.6918274.
Khairy, A.; Ammar, H. and Bahgat, R. "Smartphone Energizer: Extending Smartphone's Battery Life with Smart Offloading", In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013), July 1-5 2013, Sardinia – Italy, pp. 329-336.
El-matarawy, A.; El-ramly, M. and Bahgat, R. "Parallel and Distributed Code Clone Detection using Sequential Pattern Mining", International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 62, No. 10, January 2013, pp. 25-31.
El-matarawy, A.; El-ramly, M. and Bahgat, R. "Plagiarism Detection using Sequential Pattern Mining", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS), Vol. 5, No. 2, January 2013, pp.24-29.
Bahgat, R.; Mahdi, M and AbdelRahman, S, “Frequency Tree for Clustering Categorical Data with Similarity Measure Based on Items’ Weights”, Qatar Foundation Annual research Forum proceedings, October 2012, Doha-Qatar.
Bahgat, R.; Salah, A. I. and Abdul Wakeil, H. I. "Semantic Message Addressing based on Social Cloud Actor's Interests", International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume 6, and Issue 1, February 2012, pp. 43-52.
Soliman, A.; Kamel, A.; Sheta, W. and Bahgat, R. "PSG: Peer-to-Peer semantic grid framework architecture", Egyptian Informatics Journal, Elsevier, (2011) vol.12, pp.125-136, DOI: 10.1016/j.eij.2011.06.001.
AbdelRahman, S; Bahgat, R. and Farag, G. M. “Order Statistics Bayesian–Mining Agent Modeling for Automated Negotiation”, An International Journal of Computing and Informatics (Informatica), 35(1):123–137, March 2011.
Mahdi, M; AbdelRahman, S; Bahgat, R. and Ismail, I. “F-Tree: an algorithm for Clustering Transactional Data Using Frequency Tree”, Al-Azhar Engineering Eleventh International Conference, AEIC 2010.
AbdelRahman, S. E.; Hassan, B. and Bahgat, R. “A New Email Retrieval Ranking Approach”, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), 2(5):44–63, October 2010.
Radwan, A. A.; AbdelRahman, S. E. and Bahgat, R. “An Ontology-Based Middleware Services and Parser”, Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector (JAUES), 2010.
Aboulwafa, S. and Bahgat, R. “DiReCT: Dirichlet-based Reputation and Credential Trust Management”, In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), IEEE Catalogue Number: IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, ISBN: 978-977-403-396-4, Cairo-Egypt, March 2010.
Farag, G. M.; AbdelRahman, S. E.; Bahgat, R. and A-Moneim, A. M. “Estimating Negotiation Agreement Zone Using Support Vector Machine with Genetic Algorithm”, In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), IEEE Catalogue Number: IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, ISBN: 978-977-403-396-4, Cairo-Egypt, March 2010.
Farag, G. M.; AbdelRahman, S. E.; Bahgat, R. and A-Moneim, A. M. “Towards KDE Mining Approach for Multi-Agent negotiation”, In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), IEEE Catalogue Number: IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, ISBN: 978-977-403-396-4, Cairo-Egypt, March 2010.
Hussein, S. M. and Bahgat, R. M. “Worm Detection Using Intelligent Agents”, In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), IEEE Catalogue Number: IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, ISBN: 978-977-403-396-4, Cairo-Egypt, March 2010.
Hussein, S. and Bahgat, R. “Worm Detection Cooperative Approach”, In the International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Science, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo-Egypt, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 2010.
Ismael, O.; ElBeltagy, S.; Bahgat, R. and Rafea, A. "Agent Coalition Formation Via Inducing Trust Ratio", First International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2009), Porto – Portugal, January 2009, pp. 469-474.
Sarhan, S.; Bahgat, R. and Tolba, A., “Intelligent Tutoring System Attribute Reduction Based Rough Set”, Mansoura Journal of Computer Sciences and Information Systems, January 2009.
Sarhan, S.; Bahgat, R. and Tolba, A., “Rough-Neuro Model for Improving Student State Diagnosis in Intelligent Tutoring System”, Egyptian Rough Computing Journal, January 2009.
El-Kady M.; Bahgat R. and Fahmy A. “A UML Heavyweight Extension for MAS Modeling”, In Proceedings of ISEAT 2008 / QSIC 2008, August 2008, Oxford – UK.
Ismael, O.; ElBeltagy, S.; Bahgat, R. and Rafea, A. “Collaborative Knowledge-Based System through Multi-Agent Technology,” In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Science, and Operation Research, Cairo University, Egypt, December 2007, pp. 92-108.
El-Kady M.; Bahgat R. and Fahmy A. “A Meta-Model for Multi-Agent Systems”, In the Egyptian Computer Journal, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Vol. 34, December –June 2007.
El-Shehri F.; El-Beltagy S. and Bahgat R. “JINI Versus CORBA For Distributed Systems”, In the Egyptian Computer Journal, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Vol. 34, December –June 2007.
Fahmy A.; Bahgat R.; Abdel-Rahman S. and Makady S. “UVCR: A UML-based Visual Constraints Representation Tool”, In Proceedings of INFOS2005, March 2005, Cairo-Egypt, pp.171-178.
Bahgat, R.; Toson, D. and Abdel-Wahed, H. “Non-Formal Web-Based Learning of Egyptian Cultural Heritage: A Case Study”, In Proceedings of Digital Learning2005, New Delhi – India, October 2005.
Mostafa, H. and Bahgat, R. “The agent visualization system: a graphical and textual representation for multi-agent systems”, Information Visualization, Vol. 4, 2005, pp. 83-94.
Mostafa, H. and Bahgat, R. “Using Mozart for Visualizing Agent-Based Simulations”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3389/2005, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp.89-102.
Mikhaiel, R. and Bahgat, R. “An Integrated Framework for Inter-agent Conversation Management”, Egyptian Informatics Journal, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2004, pp.11-27.
Shaalan, K.; Rizk, M.; Abdelhamid, Y. and Bahgat, R. “An expert system for the best weight distribution on ferryboats”, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 26 (3), 2004, pp.397-411.
El-Sayed, S.; Bahgat, R.; Fahmi, A. and El-Gamal, S. “A New Middleware Model for Programming Classes Relationships”, Egyptian Informatics Journal, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2004, pp.138-158.
Bahgat, R. “Modeling Techniques for Agent-based Simulation Scenarios”, The Egyptian Computer Journal, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Vol. 30, December 2002.
Bahgat, R. “Hybrid Coordination Approach for Intelligent Navigation Through Multi-Contextual Information”, Egyptian Informatics Journal, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2002.
Mostafa, H. and Bahgat, R. “A Multi-Agent System for Behavioral Studies”, in Proceedings of the ISCA 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, July 2002, Boston - Massachusetts USA, pp. 120-127.
Bahgat, R.; Mostafa, O. and Papadopoulos, G.A. “Concurrent Abductive Logic Programming in Pandora”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2001, pp. 387-406.
Bahgat, R. and Saleh, F. “The Archaeological Map of Egypt (Archeological Heritage Resource Management System)”, in Proceedings of the 29th Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2001), April 2001, Sweden, pp. 253-260.
Bahgat, R. and El-Matarawy, A., "Three-Phase Distributed Repair-based Algorithm for Constraint Satisfaction & Optimization". The Egyptian Computer Journal, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research – Cairo University, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2000, pp. 273-292.
Khamis, A.; Bahgat, R. and AbdelAziz, R. “ Automatic Test Data Generation using Data Flow Information “, Dergisi Journal, Dogus University, Turkey, Vol 2, June 2000, pp.140-153.
Bahgat, R. and Abdel-Rahman, S.E. “Combining Constraint Logic Programming Techniques for Solving Linear Problems”. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol LNAI 1865, Springer-Verlag, 2000, pp. 188-211.
Bahgat, R.; Sabbah, A.S.; Gharraf, M.Q. and El-Sayed, Q.A.” Determinacy Analysis for Efficient Execution of Logic Programs. Journal of The Egyptian Mathematical Society, Vol. 7(2), 1999, pp.251-278.
Bahgat, R. and Wahdan, S. “Pandora(FD): A Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming Language”. In Proceedings of The Annual Conference on Statistics Computer Sciences and Operations Research, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, December 1999, Vol. 34 Part IV, Cairo-Egypt.
Bahgat, R. and Yang, R. “A Distributed Repair-based Technique for Constraint Satisfaction”. In Proceedings of the Seventh ISCA International Conference on Intelligent Systems, July 1-3, 1998, Paris-France.
Helly, M.; Bahgat, R. and Rafea, A. “An Inference Mechanism for Graphical Knowledge Base Representation”. In Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Expert Systems, March 16-20, 1998,Mexico City.
Bahgat, R.”A Methodological Approach for Building an Expert System for Filling Hieroglyphic Text”. In Proceedings of the ISCA International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Boston-Massachusetts, USA, June1997, pp.11-15.
Rasmy, M.H.; Bahgat R.M.R.; Abbass, H.A. “From Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) to Decision Making Logic Programming (DMLP)”. In Proceedings of the First European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations Research, Salford-UK, March1997, pp.197-204.
Bahgat, R.M; Ramsy, M.H.; Attia, S.S.” Using Constraint Logic Programming for Crashing Project Duration”. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, March 97, Cairo-Egypt.
Rasmy, M.H; Bahgat, R.M.R; Abbass, H.A. “The Front-End of an Intelligent Linear Goal Programming System”. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications, Alexandria –Egypt, September 1996, pp.25-37.
Rasmy, M.H; Bahgat, R.M.; Attia, S.S “Time-Cost Trade-off Procedures for Crashing Projects”. In Proceedings of the MES 5th International Symposium, Vol. 2, Cairo – Egypt, March 1996.
Bahgat, R.; Costa, V.S.; Yang, R. “ARCH: A Parallel Execution Model that Minimizes the Search Space of Logic Programs “. The Egyptian Computer Journal, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Vol. 23 No.2, 1995.
Bahgat, R. “An Image –based Information System for the Archaeological Description of Stelae”. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge-England, September1995.
Bahgat, R. “A Multimedia Information System for the Description of Scenes”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Limassol-Cyprus, June 1995, pp.640-645.
Alexandrou, C., Bahgat, R., Papadopoulos, G.A. “ A Multimedia System for Archaeological Scenes”. Short Paper in Proceedings of ED-MEDIA'95, Gratz, June1995, pp.734.
Abbas, H.; Bahgat, R.; Rasmy, M. ”Evaluation of Constraint Logic Programming from an Operations Research Point of View”. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on AI Applications, Cairo-Egypt, January 1995,pp.302-313.
Abdel-Aziz, A.; Bahgat, R.; Nassar, S. and Shaheen, S. “Families of Parallel Logic Programming Languages”. The Egyptian Computer Journal, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research ,Cairo , Vol.22,No.1,1994.
Bahgat, R. “Towards the Standardization of Scenes’ Description”. In Gottinger Miszellen, Heft141, Gottingen, Germany, 1994.
Bahgat, R. and Saleh, F. “An Expert System for Filling Hieroglyphic Text”. In AMSE Periodicals, Advances in Modeling & Analysis, B, Vol. 31, No.1,1994, pp.29-42.
Abdel-Aziz, A.; Bahgat, R.; Nassar, S and Shaheen, S. “Implementation of Pandora on top of Prolog”. In AMSE Periodicals, Advances in Modeling & Analysis, A, Vol. 22, no.2, 1994, pp.39-53.
Bahgat, R. “Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming for Scheduling Problems”. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Statistics Computer Science and Operations Research, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo, December 1993.
Bahgat, R.M.R.“Non-Deterministic Concurrent Logic Programming in Pandora”. World Scientific Series in Computer Science, Vol.37, World Scientific Publishing Company, ISBN 9-810-21251-8, 1993.
Bahgat, R.M.R. “The Pandora Deadlock handler Meta – Level Relation”. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on MetaProgramming in Logic, Uppsala, Sweden, June, 1992, pp.86-100.
Bahgat, R.M.R. “The Pandora Abstract Machine: an extension of JAM”. In Proceedings of the Pre-Conference Workshop of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming, Paris, France, June 1991.
Bahgat, R.M.R. “Pandora: non-deterministic parallel logic programming”. PhD. Thesis, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, Univ. of London, March 1991.
Bahgat, R.M.R. “Symbolic Constraint-based reasoning in Pandora”. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the OUG Artificial Intelligence SIG, London, October-90, IET Conference Publications, pp.67-83.
Bahgat R.M.R “The Pandora Abstract machine”. Research Report Doc 90/1. Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, of London, January 1990.
Bahgat, R.M.R. “Solving Resource Allocation Problems in Pandora”. Research Report DOC 90/2. Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, of London, January 1990.
Bahgat, R.M.R. and Gregory, S. “Pandora: non-deterministic parallel logic programming”. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Logic Programming, Lisbon, June 1989, pp. 471-486.
Bahgat, R.M.R. “Towards an Integrated don’t-know stream-and-parallel logic language”. Research Report DOC 88/1. Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, of London, Feb. 1988.
Academic achievements
1991, PH.D.is recommended to the British Computer Society Distinguished Dissertation, UK.
1986, Awarded Distinction in the MSC. course Examinations, Imperial College London.
1985, Awarded the prize of "Kuwait Foundation for the Scientific Advancement: for the highest cumulative GPA in Kuwait University, Kuwait.
1981- 1985, Awarded "First Honour", in Kuwait University, Kuwait.
Principal Investigator in JMSE, 530637-Tempus-1-2012-1-PS-Tempus-JPCR, 2012-2015 (extended to Oct 2016), the project aims to develop a joint MSC in software engineering and to implement it in the MEA partner universities.
Principal Investigator in InfrArtSonic, INCO-CT-2005-015338 Project, 2006-2008, for using non destructive techniques in the analysis and documentation of artworks. As Assistant Director and then Deputy Director of CULTNAT, I managed several international award-winning projects in the digital documentation of the tangible heritage of Egypt, such as The Archeological Map of Egypt, The Architectural Heritage and Urban Heritage of Egypt, The Documentation of Scientific Islamic Manuscripts, and the Eternal Egypt Portal www.eternalegypt.org.
The Egyptian Partner (Principal Investigator) in “MedMultiTrain”, a MedCampus Project, 1994-95, for innovative Multimedia Training in a banking environment. The Egyptian Partner (Principal Investigator) in "Electronic Roads in the Information Society", an INCO-DC Project, 1998-2001, Research project on distributed multimedia systems and networking.
Egyptian Team Member in “Development of Upgraded Science and Engineering Education in Southern Mediterranean Universities through the Use of Telematics Technologies”, joint sponsorship between UNESCO Cairo Office and European Commission, 1998-2000.
Industrial experience
Jan09-Dec12, Senior Consultant, Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Affiliated to Bibliotheca Alexandrina and supported by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, located in Smart Village, Giza, Egypt
April 94- April 96, Consultant of Cultureware Projects, The Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC), Cairo - Egypt.
March 93-March 94, Consultant of Cultureware Projects, The Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center (RITSEC), Cairo - Egypt.
1997, Consultant to Sakhr Company for Building Intelligent Scheduling Systems for Educational Institutes.