Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development

Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development

Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development

Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development is an Egyptian non-profit university, which is the first university in the Middle East with the logic of sustainable development as a comprehensive guide to it. Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development is an Egyptian non-profit university, which is the first university in the Middle East with the logic of sustainable development as a comprehensive guide to it. Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development

Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development

Heliopolis University Research and Innovation Observatory

Heliopolis University Research and Innovation Observatory (HIRO) is the Technology, Innovation and Commercialization Office (TICO) hosted by HU. HIRO serves as the main R&D and innovation core structure inside HU. HIRO’s holistic message is to assist academic staff, researchers and professionals inside HU and in other Egyptian universities and research centers in order to accomplish a real and sustainable knowledge-based economy in Egypt. To achieve this, HIRO cooperates with the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) to support researchers providing them with guidance on funding while connecting them with networks of counterparts, and national and international fundraising agencies.