Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

Modern University for Technology and Information was established by the Presidential Decree no. (430), for the year 2004, as a private University supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education & its own independent legal corporation . Teaching at the University started in the Faculties of Computer Science and Business Management in the academic year 2005/2006 upon the decree of the minister of higher education no.(2079) on the 7th of August, 2005. Modern University for Technology and Information was established by the Presidential Decree no. (430), for the year 2004, as a private University supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education & its own independent legal corporation . Teaching at the University started in the Faculties of Computer Science and Business Management in the academic year 2005/2006 upon the decree of the minister of higher education no.(2079) on the 7th of August, 2005. Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

Modern University for Technology and Information was established by the Presidential Decree no. (430), for the year 2004, as a private University supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education & its own independent legal corporation . Teaching at the University started in the Faculties of Computer Science and Business Management in the academic year 2005/2006 upon the decree of the minister of higher education no.(2079) on the 7th of August, 2005.

Founded: 2007


Email: [email protected]

Contact Numbers: 19041

Address: El-Hadaba El-Wosta, Mokattam, 5th district, Cairo, Egypt.
