Title: President of Suez University
In July 2017, a Republican decision was issued appointing Dr. Abdel Azim El-Sharqawy as President of Suez University.
Mr. El-Sharqawy (President of Suez University) was born in May 1963, and has been an associate professor at King Faisal University since 2001.
He received a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the Faculty of Science, Mansoura University in 1985, a Master's degree in 1989 and a Ph.D. in 1994.
He participated in many conferences and scientific societies in Egypt and abroad.
His notable statements:
We aim to prepare a qualified university student for the labor market
The Egyptian youth were able to prove to the world day after day their creativity, innovation and love for peace.
Entrepreneurship is a priority and interest of Suez University to train young people to set up innovative economic projects.
The field is open for dialogue with students, and thought is matched by thought and dialogue, except for those who refuse.