Title: President of Egypt Japan University of Science & Technology (EJUST)
Professor Ahmed El-Gohary is the President of Egypt Japan University of Science & Technology.
Professor Ahmed El-Gohary has remarkable scientific, academic and administrative achievements in his professional career path. He has exceptional long history of strong collaboration with many African countries, since the mid-90s. The collaboration aimed to implement the capacity building programs for the Sub-Saharan and Nile-Basin African countries, in addition to conducting multi-center African research studies.
Prof. El-Gohary has many cooperation experiences with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He initiated many capacity building programs, in cooperation with the JICA, for third world countries entitled: Third Country Programs. The program was successfully implemented in both Suez Canal University (SCU) and Fayoum Universities (FU) under the consultation and supervision from JICA. In addition to establishing many active bilateral agreements between highly ranked Japanese universities when he was in the top management positions in both universities, SCU and FU.
For his high caliber expertise, he was requested to become a consultant for curriculum reform for both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Association of Arab Universities (AARU). In addition to being the reviewer for Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), World Health Organization – Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO-EMRO), Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) and last, but not least, Arab Science Technology Foundation (ASTF).
Internationally, there were many coordinating and active participates in many European Projects which he was part of such as the Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Tuning Africa, Tuning India projects and the Arab European Leadership Network for Higher Education (ARELEN).
As for the academic activities, Prof. El-Gohary has excellent scientific publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals, focused on Virus Hepatitis C infection in Egypt and in Africa jointly published with Japanese scientists.
He mentored and assessed many PhD and M.Sc. degrees in the field of Medicine in both Egyptian Universities and other Universities in Africa.
Former Positions Held by Prof. Ahmed El-Gohary:
– President of Fayoum University (FU)
– Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies in Suez Canal University
– Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University (SCU)
– Chairman of Clinical Pathology Department of SCU
– President of Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS)
Additional positions held by Prof. Ahmed El-Gohary:
– President and Founder – Neuroscience Group of Egypt (NGE) affiliated to the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
– Council Member – International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS)
– Member – International Society of Infectious Diseases (ISID) and American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC).
Educational background of Prof. Ahmed El-Gohary:
– 2004 – Graduate Diploma in Total Quality Management, American University in Cairo, School of Business, Economics & Communication
– 1987 – M.Sc. in Clinical and Chemical PathologyMedical Doctorate Clinical and Chemical Pathology
– 1978 – Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine from Cairo University